
Guidelines for submitting and processing applications

In view of the number of applications addressed to the Foundation, it is imperative that their treatment is subject to certain preconditions. The guidelines are primarily based on the foundation statutes, but also on the principles which the founders have pursued throughout their lifetime.

  1. The Board generally holds its meetings three times a year, in March, July and November. Applications for the March session must submitted no later than 10 February, for the July session no later than 10 June and for the November session no later than 10 October.
  2. Approval and rejection of applications are made without justification.  They do not constitute quality judgement.
  3. Applications from individuals and applications from abroad can be accepted only in exceptional cases considering the statutes of the foundation (tax exemption!).
  4. Each application for projects in the areas supported by the Foundation must include a detailed budget and a /funding plan plus a list of other potential donors.
  5. Applications in the field of music / theatre / dance will only be considered in exceptional cases.
  6. As a general rule, requests to cover liabilities already incurred will not be accepted.
  7. Applications which do not meet the Foundation’s purpose or the present guidelines shall not be submitted to the Foundation Board. They will be rejected by the Chairperson.
  8. In urgent cases, applications may be approved exceptionally by a special Circular Resolution.